
Articles Posted in shoplifting Bergen county


Shoplifting is serious! Bergen County Shoplifting Defense Attorney

When most people think of shoplifting, they picture kids. However, retail theft charges are regularly brought against people of all ages, races, and income levels. Shoplifting can result in serious criminal charges. Depending on the value of the merchandise, you may be facing a misdemeanor or a felony charge. At…


Shoplifting defense attorney: New Jersey shoplifting penalties

The penalties for shoplifting and theft can be serious. At our firm of criminal defense, employment, and divorce attorneys in Bergen County strive to get the charges reduced to Borough Ordinance violations, or to have them dismissed completely. If a conviction can not be avoided, we request community service, probation,…


What is probable cause in a shoplifting case? part 3

In this series, our criminal defense, employment, and family lawyers in Bergen County discuss shoplifting charges, and probable cause. If you think that you were arrested for shoplifting without probable cause, you should speak with an attorney. (Even if you don’t think so, shoplifting charges can be serious, and something…


What is probable cause in a shoplifting case? part 1

We are attorneys based in Bergen County, NJ representing clients in divorce, criminal, and employment cases. Shoplifting is one of the most common crimes people are charged with.Before someone can be detained, and shoplifting charges can be brought against them, a merchant has to show there is probable cause to…


Client privacy in shoplifting cases

In addition to providing services as family lawyers in Bergen County, every year our firm represents people charged with crimes such as shoplifting. When our clients are charged with shoplifting, they are often feeling embarrassed, and ashamed of how this may reflect on them. They are concerned that the charges…

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