
Divorce Attorney Bergen County: Prenup 101: part 2- enforceability

A family lawyer Bergen County can help make sure your interests are protected in your prenup, and that the agreement you make is one that will be enforceable in court. An oral contract is not sufficient. The agreement has to be in writing to be enforceable. Its important that both parties fully disclose their circumstances in the prenup and in the attached statement of assets. If someone is not honest or forthcoming in this process, the contract may be unenforceable.

In determining whether or not to honor a prenuptial agreement, the court will consider whether the process for coming to it was fair. If either party unfairly manipulated the process, the contract may not be honored. For this reason its wise to consult an attorney in creating the prenuptial agreement. Ultimately, the contract is yours and the two of you must agree to it together and have it notarized for it to be valid.

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